Monday, March 25, 2013

Leisurely Leo

This is Leo!

I recently acquired this lovely feline back in October. Just 5 months ago. And even though I have only know
this fella for a short while, now I don't know what I would do without him in my life. He is the sweetest boy. 
He goes to bed with me every night [while he may not stay there all night] and I wake up with him next me 
[almost] every morning. I love this guy <3

Monday, March 18, 2013



My name is Rachelle and I live in Austin, TX!
I wouldn't really call myself a "photographer," but I enjoy photography as a hobby and I am
looking to get more involved with it! This is partially why I created this blog, to motivate me to 
get out there and take more photos.
Let's just hope it works... 

Special Thanks to and my Best Friend, Victoriafor creating my Blog Header!